Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tabata Tuesday:
Joint Stability Warm-up
1 Mile Run
Tricep Extensions
Push Press
Bent over Rows
Dumbell Rotations
Dumbell Press/Bi-lateral flys
Bicycle Crunches
Cool Down

It was a rough workout this morning but I felt so good the whole time I did it.  There were times when things almost got a little too rough and I almost wanted to give up...but I didn't.  Felt so amazing to be able to accomplish each exercise.  From the first time I did tabata in week 2 of boot camp till now I can tell that I am able to push myself harder and am able to achieve more reps within the 20s all out sessions. My body hurts but the hurt is what keeps me going; shows me I am working hard like I should be.  To help keep a positive mindset I am trying something new where I do not look at my body in the mirror because that always leads to me criticizing it.  I do not need to criticize my body because change does not happen overnight or within a month.  True, permanent change happens over a long period of time.

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